Denis Miller was born and educated in the UK where he studied Oriental Languages at Cambridge University. He became a freelance journalist working for a press ranging from The Far Eastern Economic Review and Le Monde Diplomatique to the UK's The Countryman.
In a parallel career, he was Government-employed in the China field for some twenty years. With work in the Far East and in Europe, the variety of his particular experience is out of the ordinary: after a period at GCHQ as a Chinese linguist, he spent time with three different Western Services: MI6, the Australian Secret Service (ASIS) and the CIA. He is now retired in France, and writing another novel.
Denis Miller's other fiction includes Diplomatic Traffic (New English Library), Alle Spie Piace Formosa (previously published as The Chinese Jade Affair (Mondadori, Milan) and A Spell in Normandy (Kédéa Editions, Paris).
China Scoop (AESOP Publications, 2011)